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Shattering the Glass Ceiling–Jen Hardy Interviews Beverly

 I always wanted to be an attorney, but I never planned to practice law.  My plan was to become a labor arbitrator, but fate intervened.  After I received a Bachelor of Arts from Douglass College, the Ford  Foundation awarded me a fellowship to attended the University of North  Carolina at Chapel Hill where I received a Master of Public Administration.  

 While working as the Executive Director, Labor Relations for the Newark, New Jersey School District, I attended Rutgers Law School at night. As a  Rutgers Law Review editor, I wrote a law review article which was published. After graduating from law school, I clerked for the Honorable Robert N.  Wilentz, Chief Justice, The Supreme Court of New Jersey, the year Chief  Justice Wilentz wrote the Baby M opinion. 

 I grew up in a pro-union household. My father was a union official; my  mother a union member. My respect for the efforts of organized labor is  hard-wired and part of my DNA. To my father’s chagrin, however, as a  labor-relations executive before I went to law school and after I became an  attorney, I represented the management side of labor negotiations.  Unfortunately, my father wasn’t alive when, as a legal consultant, pro-union  attorneys sought my advice. 

 In 2008 and 2009 during the Great Recession, people who always  worked were unemployed or underemployed and struggling or unable to make ends meet, and to provide for their families. These people, especially  the men, reminded me of my father who at one time worked three jobs to  take care of his family. 

I knew I could do precious little to help those victims personally, but,  whether it was hubris or naivete, I believed I could help empower people  who have employment issues. My books, podcast, and seminars are my  efforts to provide useful information for those navigating the constantly  changing employment landscape. 



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