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Returning Displaced Homemakers to the Workforce

If your job expected you to keep everything organized, fully stocked, clean, and running smoothly from the start of your shift to the end of your shift, you’d probably expect a pretty busy day. When you meet with your boss and they also add that they need other team members managed, conflicts resolved, clean clothes, meals prepared, and everyone’s schedule accommodated, you may feel overwhelmed and exhausted quick. Later, when you realize all the work expected is paying $0.00/hour, you may actually walk and say forget it all.

The life of a homemaker involves all of this and more. It’s no easy job, and yet many homemakers are taken for granted. Many homemakers are dealing with low self-worth and low self-value when looking to rejoin the workforce. “I’m JUST a homemaker” or “I only stay home with my kids.”

Today’s guest, Laura Troy, is the President of the Displaced Homemakers Network of New Jersey. Her commitment to helping women navigate the process of going from unpaid work as homemakers to paid work is a passion that began with a personal experience very close to her.

“The sad thing is we don’t put much value on the home maker, and the child raising part of the family.”-Laura Troy

Helping individuals return to the workforce is a process that requires mental work and preparation, as well as support and encouragement. Laura shares how she’s been able help these women boost their confidence and self-worth and see the value they really bring to the table:

●Recovering from mental and emotional abuse of feeling undervalued

●Career assessments and skill translation from being a homemaker to skilled and valuedemployee

●Providing emotional support to individuals who’ve lost themselves in years of servitude

It’s so easy for women in particular to feel marginalized when going through life changing events like divorce, separation, a disabled spouse or other situations. A big part of what Laura is doing is helping people see their worth after what feels like a scary traumatic experience.

“All moms are working moms, no matter what, you worked.”-Laura Troy

You can connect with The New Jersey Displaced Homemakers and Laura on their website.

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Check out Beverly Williams book: Your GPS to Employment Success


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